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10 Really Weird But Fascinating Things That Exist In Space

Space has fascinated people for centuries and continues to do. There's not a single soul that doesn’t look up at the sky, and not wonder what lies beyond it. We think about different galaxies, stars and alternate worlds. It's fascinating. To peak your curiosity just a little bit, here's a list of a few things that actually exist in space, and it will make you feel small, really small.
10 Really Weird But Fascinating Things That Exist In Space

1. Blind Willie Johnson's Voice Echoes Through Space

The twin spacecraft Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 were launched by NASA in separate months in the summer of 1977 from Cape Canaveral, Florida. The spacecraft is carrying on board a record with pictures and sounds from the Earth.
has messages in fifty languages, There's also music travelling through space. The sonchosen was Blind Willie Johnson,an American gospel blues singer from the 1920s. His song
'Dark was the night, could was the ground', as it was thought to represent humanity as a whole.

2. Pareidolia

Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon involving a vague and random stimulus, often an image or sound being perceived as significant. And in space people images of everyday objects from Earth in other planets.
For example, a spacecraft orbiting Mars sent back an image that looked like the Star Fleet emblem from the movie Star Trek. Some even thought the formation looked a lot like a flock of birds in formation.

3. Mira

Mira is the Latin name for a star which literally translates to amazing. This star’s diameter is 700 times that of our sun. Mira's supernatural properties were discovered only recently. It's found in the constellation of Cetus.  The star peaks in brightness and then fades into oblivion, repeatedly.
A few years ago, NASA's Galex satellite discovered that Mira's discarded gases form a comet-like tail.

4. Hypervelocity Stars

According to Centre for Astrophysics study, in  2005, Smithsonian astronomers discovered a star has been thrown out of the Milky Way and drifts in the emptiness of intergalactic space. This star gives an insight into the nature of stars that orbit close to a black hole.

5. The Smell of Raspberries and Rum


In space, there’s a cloud named Sagittarius B2 that astronauts say, smells like raspberries and rum!  The cloud apparently is made of ethyl formate, which is the chemical composition which give raspberries that tangy taste and rum its strong smell. Sounds trippy, doesn't it?

6. Parking Lot

Apart from strolling around the moon, Neil Armstrong may have spotted a UFO parking lot in space . In his words they were 'lined up on the far side of the crater's edge!' Weird or what?

7. Fire Burn Without a Flame


One of the weirdest things astronauts discovered in space is the peculiar way fire behaves. According to a report in Space.com, FLEX researchers ignited a small drop of heptane or methanol fuel in a special experiment rack aboard a space station.
Forman Williams, the project leader on the experiments, told Space.com, "Thus far, the most surprising thing we've observed is continued apparent burning of heptane droplets after flame extinction under certain conditions. Currently, this is entirely unexplained."

8.  Glass Domes on the Moon

There are some strange theories that say astronaut, Alan Bean saw glass domes from a long-extinct alien civilization on the moon. In an interview, Bean described the space as looking like "black, patent-leather shoes" from the surface of the moon. It was as though he was seeing space through the reflection of a glass dome.

 9. The Diamond Planet

It's an alien planet thought to be made largely of diamonds. That's right,  it's a huge rock! Scientists reported that the star at the center of a solar system 40 light years from our own had a carbon-to-oxygen ratio greater than one.  The alien planet, a so-called "super-Earth," is called 55 Cancri e and was discovered in 2004 around a nearby star in our Milky Way galaxy.

10. Rogue Planet

This planetary-mass object that orbits a galactic centre directly, it never has a set path. More recently, a strange 200 million-year-old object with the mass of a planet has been discovered 20 light years from Earth, outside our solar system. It produces an unexplained glowing aurora and travels through space alone, without a parent star.

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